Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Giant Vermont Map!

The Vermont Geographic Alliance's giant traveling map of Vermont visited the Cornwall School for two days.  Students had the opportunity to tour Vermont via this giant map.  The map arrived with several educational games.  

Part of the map.  This 17' X 24' map took up most of the classroom.

Reading on the map is nice!

"Scavenger Hunt"  Students had to locate water sources, towns, 
highways, etc., on the map.  Sample clues were:
       *  Find two highways that intersect.  
       *  Find two towns that are also the names of countries (There are four of them).  
       *  Find two counties that are also the names of states in the US.  
       *  Name the body of water that lies on Vermont's eastern border.  
       *  Name a Vermont town that lies west of New York.  
So...grab a Vermont map and challenge yourself or make up some new clues.

"Finding Distances" the length of a road, river, or lake, or finding 
the perimeter of a county, town, or the entire state!

Other games played by the students were 

"Roll the Die and find that number of cities, pink villages, towns that
begin with a vowel, bodies of water, etc!,"

"Shire Town Shuffle" (students use coordinate points to locate towns)

"Simon Says" Students invited kindergarten students to play this game.

"Vermont Capitals"

Was Montpelier always the capital?  Ask a third or fourth grader???

"The Marble Trail"
Students located various towns along this marble
corridor and then read the related information about 
how marble is used and where it is found in the towns.

 "Interstate Relay" 
Students traveled highways to reach a specific
town, then had to return to their original starting 
point via a new route and hand off the card to their
teammate.  Who can travel the fastest, find the most
efficient routes, and at the same time
locate the town they need to go to?
Do you know where Eden is?  Barton?
Winhall, Canaan?

Students share the map with families and friends.

What are these three checking out?

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