Saturday, May 24, 2014

Australian Ballot Voting!

Crazy Hat Day!
The Polls are open!
Sarah checks voters in!

Jack checks voters out!

Counting the votes!

Copy of Ballot with articles created by 3rd and 4th graders.  Ask a
3rd or 4th grader how the articles were amended during the 
town meeting!

Australian Ballot Vote

Article 1           Will voters approve tag playing on the school playground?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 2           Will voters approve the designation of “boys” and “girls bathrooms?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 3           Will voters approve “no snow pants needed” if there is
no snow or ice on the ground?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 4           Will voters approve adding chocolate milk back into the lunch
and snack menu?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 5           Will voters approve that students may wear hats in school?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 6           Will voters approve that each class may have a class pet?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 7           Will voters approve students may have a “pet” day?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 8           Will voters appropriate funds raised through taxes in the amount of $2,250,000 for a second story addition to the school building for the purpose of expanding facilities to include a new all-purpose room, teachers’ lounge, and administrative offices?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 9           Will voters appropriate funds raised in the amount of $20,000 for Jet Packs for each student?
                        YES __________                    NO __________         

Article 10         Will voters appropriate funds raised through taxes in the amount of $1,330,000 for an indoor swimming pool at Cornwall school?

                         YES __________                    NO __________

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