Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mock Town Meeting!

As part of the Vermont studies unit, third and fourth graders 
looked at the two ways Vermont towns and cities handle 
voting on articles.  Students then worked together to come up
with their own articles to be voted on.  The articles were posted and 
then students held a mock town meeting.  They did an amazing job
discussing issues in a very respectful, conscientious, and articulate 
manner.  Very impressive!

 Town meeting is warned.
Students check out the articles that will be voted on.

Town Meeting begins!
Moderator: Julia

Moderator: Carter

Moderator: Alex

Moderator: Lily

Carter wants to amend Article 4.  He speaks from the floor on 
Article 4:  Will voters approve adding chocolate milk 
back into the lunch and snack menu?
Article 4 was amended: Will voters approve adding
chocolate milk back into the lunch and snack menu on days
when there is no dessert?

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