Monday, September 16, 2013

Sharing the "ME" Train Cars!!!

What fun it was to learn more about third 
graders and the teachers today!
Fabulous photos and texts!
Molly loves her mom and dad and all of her friends!
She likes chickens, too!

 Nora loves to travel with her family to Mexico and Nantucket!

Jack loves the Red Sox and has been to lots of their games!  

Can you "eye spy" Super Eli???

Eliot danced till two in the morning at a wedding this past summer!!!

John has lots of relatives and two 
(almost three - one due in November) brothers!!!

Paige has had lots of experience on trains - right from the
time she was born.  That's what happens when your mom and 
grandmother work on a train!  Toooooooooot!

Naomi loves horses and her cousins!!!  

Carter loves to play his violin and travel to far 
away places like France!

Mrs. Giles loves spending time with her three 
grandsons - especially exploring outdoors!

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