Janet’s Chicken
Rehabilitation Problem
has a big problem. One of her chickens
is ill and she needs to isolate that chicken from the rest of the brood. Janet decided it would be best to make a cozy
rehabilitation space for her chicken. Janet
bought 20 feet of fencing to make the rehabilitation space for the chicken.
now needs help from the amazing, chicken caring third graders. She wants to know all of the ways she can
build a super cozy chicken rehabilitation space.
Criteria: 1. All play spaces must be rectangular
2. 20 feet of fencing must be used for each
rehabilitation space.
1. Build as many different rectangular
chicken rehabilitation spaces as you can – make sure to use all 20 feet of indoor
fencing for each.
2. Sketch each design onto
your graph paper and label the dimensions.
3. Write a letter to Janet
telling her the choices she has for building her chicken rehabilitation spaces. Share some of your graph paper examples and
tell her which one you recommend and why.
(Student recommendations to come soon!)
Carter and Paige think a 4' X 6' pen is pretty good!
Eli and Eliot test out a 2' X 8' pen size.
Naomi and Jack test out a 2' X 8' pen size.
A 4' X 6' pen works well for pretend chickens,
John and Nora!
Carter and Paige aren't sure about a 1' X 9' pen.
It might be good for hopscotch - but for a chicken?
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